class XIVAPI::Dataclasses::Character


Dataclass containing a Character's data.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Instance Method Detail

def active_class_job : XIVAPI::Dataclasses::ClassJob #

A ClassJob class representing the Class or Job the Character currently is at the time of the previous XIVAPI update.

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def active_class_job=(_active_class_job : ClassJob) #

def avatar : String #

URL to the avatar for the Character. The avatar is a headshot of the Character, whereas the portrait is a full body image.

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def avatar=(_avatar : String) #

def bio : String #

The Lodestone bio of the Character.

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def bio=(_bio : String) #

def class_jobs : Array(XIVAPI::Dataclasses::ClassJob) #

An array of ClassJob classes for all of the Classes and Jobs the Character currently has unlocked.

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def class_jobs=(_class_jobs : Array(ClassJob)) #

def free_company_id : String? #

The Lodestone ID of the Character's current Free Company

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def free_company_id=(_free_company_id : ::Union(String, Nil)) #

A GearSet class representing the Character's currently equipped Gear Set.

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def gear_set=(_gear_set : GearSet) #

def gender : UInt8 #

An integer specifying the Character's gender. 1 is Male, 2 is Female.

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def gender=(_gender : UInt8) #

A GrandCompanyCharacterData class containing the Character's Grand Company information.

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def grand_company=(_grand_company : ::Union(GrandCompanyCharacterData, Nil)) #

def guardian_deity : XIVAPI::Dataclasses::GuardianDeity #

A GuardianDeity class containing the Character's Guardian Deity information.

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def guardian_deity=(_guardian_deity : GuardianDeity) #

def id : UInt64 #

The Lodestone ID of the Character.

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def id=(_id : UInt64) #

def minions : Array(XIVAPI::Dataclasses::MinionMount) #

An Array of MinionMount classs representing the Minions owned by the Character.

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def minions=(_minions : Array(MinionMount)) #

def minions_count : UInt64 #

An integer value for the number of Minions currently owned by the Character.

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def minions_count=(_minions_count : UInt64) #

def minions_progress : String #

A string value indicating the percentage of the total number of Minions that the Character currently owns.

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def minions_progress=(_minions_progress : String) #

def minions_total : UInt64 #

An integer representing the total number of Minions currently in XIVAPI.

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def minions_total=(_minions_total : UInt64) #

def mounts : Array(XIVAPI::Dataclasses::MinionMount) #

An Array of MinionMount classs representing the Mounts owned by the Character.

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def mounts=(_mounts : Array(MinionMount)) #

def mounts_count : UInt64 #

An integer value for the number of Mounts currently owned by the Character.

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def mounts_count=(_mounts_count : UInt64) #

def mounts_progress : String #

A string value indicating the percentage of the total number of Mounts that the Character currently owns.

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def mounts_progress=(_mounts_progress : String) #

def mounts_total : UInt64 #

An integer representing the total number of Mounts currently in XIVAPI.

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def mounts_total=(_mounts_total : UInt64) #

def name : String #

The Character's name

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def name=(_name : String) #

def nameday : String #

The Character's nameday

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def nameday=(_nameday : String) #

def portrait : String #

URL for the Character's portrait. The portrait is a full body image, whereas the avatar is only a headshot of the Character.

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def portrait=(_portrait : String) #

def pvp_team_id : UInt64? #

The Lodestone ID of the Character's PVP Team

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def pvp_team_id=(_pvp_team_id : ::Union(UInt64, Nil)) #

An IDNameUrl class containing the Character's racial information.

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def race=(_race : IDNameUrl) #

def server : String #

The Server that the Character is currently in.

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def server=(_server : String) #

An IDIconNameUrl class containing the details about the Character's current title.

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def title=(_title : ::Union(IDIconNameUrl, Nil)) #

def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) #

An IDIconNameUrl class containing the details about the Character's starting town.

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def town=(_town : IDIconNameUrl) #

An IDNameUrl class containing the details about the Character's race clan. An Icon field is returned from the API but we've found this to normally be null so we have removed it.

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def tribe=(_tribe : IDNameUrl) #